Industrial Hemp and What It Means for Texas

... this Popular Mechanics article stated that hemp was the "New Billion Dollar Crop" ... "Hemp Grows Luxuriously in Texas" in 1938?

... Hemp can provide us with food, fuel, fiber, paper, plastics, insulation, building materials and medicine? Since Federal law defines hemp to contain 0.3% or less of THC, you don't get "high" on hemp.

... one acre of hemp produces 50 gallons of oil and as much paper as four acres of timber in 90 to 120 days with 1/2 as much water as cotton with little to no pesticides or herbicides?

... this Popular Mechanics article stated that hemp was the "New Billion Dollar Crop" ... "Hemp Grows Luxuriously in Texas" in 1938?
The Right to Nutritious, Safe, Sustainable Food

For more information contact:
Sheila Hemphill
Policy Director / 325.226.3683

For more information contact:
Coleman Hemphill
Executive Director / 325.226.4538
If communities are interested in an industrial hemp educational event email colemand@txhia.org for information