The Right to Health Care of Choice

... Texas Law has had provisions for complementary and alternative health care for the past 20 years? But physicians who provide complementary care are being targeted by the Texas Medical Board and in jeopardy of losing their licenses.

.... That under current leadership of the Texas Medical Board, the DEA and state and local law enforcement have complete, unfettered access to your medical records without your informed consent or a warrant?

... That the Texas Medical Board is coming up for Sunset Review in 2016 and you should contacted your state Representative and Senator to address any of these issues you feel are unjust.

... Texas Law has had provisions for complementary and alternative health care for the past 20 years? But physicians who provide complementary care are being targeted by the Texas Medical Board and in jeopardy of losing their licenses.
The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance... Thomas Jefferson
In the 2015 Texas Legislature, there were 18 bills which infringed on the health care decisions for you, your family, and your parental rights to determine the course of action regarding vaccinations. Similar to the California bill, SB 277, Texas also had a similar bill proposed which would in essence create forced vaccinations to adhere to the CDC vaccination schedule.
Also SB 359 health bill would have permitted non law enforcement health care workers to detain an individual under emergency detention simply on the basis of refusal to take treatment.
The groups listed in the link below mounted a grassroots campaign for Governor Abbott to veto SB 359. The bill was vetoed. Click here to view veto request.