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What does it take to be a
Texas Right To Know
Community Team Leader (CTL)?
1. Passion for the Truth and to share it with others
2. Perseverance in the face of resistance to Truth
3. Persistence to fight the good fight cause its right
CTL Responsibility for "TMB Don't Mess with Me" Rally
Participate in conference call to educated on:
"TMB Don’t Mess With Me Rally" and TMB Sunset Hearing, Capitol Parking, moving around the Capitol – bathrooms, Grill etc.
How to register on a hearing at the kiosk in the Capitol
If people want to testify, they need to bring their vehicle as there is no way to determine time they will take public testimony. Everyone should be given 3 minutes and have testimony in print with 10- 15 copies – we’ll find out
Get acquainted with Texas Right To Know issue initiatives (Govt, EMF, Air, Health, Water, Food etc. are all health freedom issues) and why Texas Medical Freedom is an issue initiative of Texas Right To Know
Send info out thru their networks to determine interest for TMB event –
Network to get together 5 people for a car, 15 people for a van and for a bus to spend a day in Austin (bus could run $25 to $55 depending on location)
Turn in number of attendees to determine best transportation method
Turn in menu for $12 box lunch from Jason’s
Make 3” ribbon banners with “TMB, Don’t Mess with Me” Buttons – like you see in beauty contests – they’re cheaper than T-shirts, one size fits all, but it brings presence to the capitol.
Notify area Representative or Senator the number of their constituents who will be attending and hopes to visit with their Representative / Senator in person.
Submit people pics of “TMB, Don’t Mess With Me” see attached to info@texasrighttoknow.com These pics will go on Facebook, Youtube, Website as carousel gallery.
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Day of the TMB Event
Dec 9th
7:00 AM – Attendees arrive at church parking lot in the town to board cars, vans, buses etc.
11:00 AM or before - Vehicles / Buses arrive in Austin in AM preferably to allow 1 hour of lobby to visit their Representative and Senator who were informed of their constituent visit ahead of time. Also need to go by House and Senate Health committee members offices.
12:00 -1:30 – Gather in reserved room in capitol for $12 Box Lunch to:
Educate on TMB abuses
Upcoming legislative issues:
Potential for vaccine mandates,
Potential to tie financial incentives for practitioners to vaccine compliance
Potential to tie practice license to vaccine compliance
Insurance incentives based upon vaccine compliance. Blue Cross / Blue Shield
Licensed practitioners being regulated under Federal regulatory authority rather than state etc.
1:30 – 2:30 Break, Visit Representative/Senator offices make way to Rally on North steps
2:30 – 3:30 Rally with speakers
3:45 Buses loaded and make way back home